Improving your golf game- Should it start with a Club Fitting?

Improving your golf game is a multifaceted journey, and there's a lot to unpack in that statement. Before diving in, just know that I'm not an LPGA pro or a teaching pro. I'm just an avid golfer who loves the game and is always looking to lower my handicap. Every time I step onto the course, I aim to be a better golfer than before.

When it comes to improving your game, a quick search will show you various strategies. In March of 2023 I began to focus on my goals for the upcoming season. I dove into areas like club fitting, practice routines, and drills. Did you know that 40-47% of your game is determined by putting? But that's a topic for another blog post.

In 2022, I attended a TaylorMade club fitting session, already convinced that I needednew irons after using the same set for over 15 years. The fitting session confirmed my suspicions: not only was I making better contact, but I was also gaining more distance. Convinced of the benefits, I purchased a complete set of new irons and used them

throughout the 2022 season.

While my new clubs undeniably improved my game, a thought struck me during my 2023 research: why hadn't I opted for a general club fitting to try various brands? My TaylorMade irons were excellent, but I discovered a wealth of information on club fitting when I kept searching. Surprisingly, there was a lack of female voices sharing their club fitting experiences. This prompted me to schedule another fitting and advocate for all women golfers to get fitted.

Here are my two reasons why you should schedule a club fitting before summer:

Reason #1: You don't need to buy a full set of clubs to benefit from a club fitting. Maybe there are one or two clubs in your bag that you struggle with, or maybe a new set isn't in your budget. A skilled club fitter can change the shaft on any club to improve your game. For me, a lighter shaft on my driver lead to an increased distance and better


Reason #2: A club fitting can benefit golfers at ALL skill levels, not just advanced or intermediate players. Beginners, in particular, can greatly benefit from a club fitting. As you embark on your golf journey, start with three clubs you can consistently hit well and gradually build your bag.

I believe that club fitting is essential for every female golfer at any stage of their game. This season, invest in improving your game and making new connections on the course. Stay tuned for details on our upcoming club fitting event, where we'll delve into the process and guide you every step of the way.


Navigating the Fairway